Whether we have money or not, one thing is certain, it is never far from our minds.
Money = Power.
Power = Control.
Control = Dominance.
Dominance = Rule.
Rule = Obedience.
Obedience = superiority.
Superiority = Alliance.
Alliance = Unity
Unity = Strength.
All these things mentioned are the product of generational transcendence from our ancestor. We can never have enough of it. We say “ money is not everything”, but try and live without it is easier said than done.
Money is not the problem, our attitude towards money is the problem. We are impatience, if we want something, we have to have it now. We surrender our power to indebtedness and then we blame money for the stress of debt. We are envies of people who have money. They probably stick by their budged.
This is why a personal budget is so important.
If money can be treated with respect and we can learn the patience to manage it properly, we would be able to enjoy the freedom it can provide.