This workshop assist the young people that have to take the next step towards independence It's a minefield out there. The two day workshop can safe a lot of time and money. Psychometric testing and career choices that match the personality and talent of the participant can take care of all the uncertainty
School leavers looking to enter the world of work used to be a common occurrence as only a small number of people went into the university system. Then, doing a degree first became the done thing, with students flooding into universities, even after the introduction of fees and the abolition of the grant. Now, as tuition fees look to hit an all-time high and graduates realise that having a degree doesn’t guarantee a glittering career at the end of it, we’re likely to see more school leavers taking the decision to move straight into work – whether it be from school at 18 or after college But is this a good decision and what challenges face school leavers?
At this workshop we can clear up all the uncertainty