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Reinvention in a couple of years ago, was non existed. Now a days we hear the term “reinvention,” We dont know what it means. Reinvention sounded pretty intense, I thought. We were thought that if you lose your job, you get a new job, right? Why is everybody talking about reinvention all the time.? But the truth is we have been reinvent ourselves , without knowing it, for a long time. You left home to go to school for the first time - you had to adapt - reinvent yourself to become a student. You complete your school career and have to reinvent yourself to adjust to adult responsiblities. When I was notified that my services will no longer be required. My first reaction was to panic – in one moment my professional identity was assassinated. Without realizing it, I had become my job. I lived, slept and breathed my job. My job was me. My business card was my identity. When I no longer were employed, I didn’t know who I was anymore, so I became a nobody. Reinvention means stepping into a new dimension of life. It means to take stock of which career path to choose, to acknowledge who you are and where you’ve come from. In the beginning we realize, we haven’t thought about career direction in years, we have overlooked brilliant opportunities available at the time, we had no personal goal. We were so blissfully “fulfilled and happy” in our career, nothing mattered. This was a very confusing and frustrating time for me. I did not know how to move forward. I knew that I did not want to do the same thing I’ve been doing for 30 odd years, but what could I do instead?” You might think that you can continue in the same field, but those jobs don’t exist anymore.” It’s scary to recover from rejection and be isolated from industry. On the edge, we expect only the worst now. We didn’t learn reinvention at home, school or in college. We don’t know how to navigate. Now it is hear - a workshop that can teach you how to Reinvent yourself.

  • Date:23-3-2020 09:00 AM - 11-4-2020 03:00 PM
  • Location 3 Russel Road Western Ext - Benoni - Gauteng (Map)
  • More Info:Life Line Building
